All great art is a form of complaint. - John Cage

Most anarchists are gentle people.
-Anna Zilboorg

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Over the summer, I bought several soap logs from Laura Lander in Henry County.  Her mom and dad, Bonnie and Art, sell next to us all summer at the St. Matthew's farmer's market.  Her soap is a beautiful example of hand craft.  This morning, I sliced the logs into bars so that the centers can cure.
Red clay!

The sandalwood has a rich earthy scent.  I think I will felt the bars for the holidays.  The warmth of the sandalwood should be a comfort in the late fall and winter months.
This afternoon, I will slice up the rosemary mint:
(I couldn't wait!)

1 comment:

Indigo, madder, marigold said...

so beautiful. Wanna do some holiday crafting???