All great art is a form of complaint. - John Cage

Most anarchists are gentle people.
-Anna Zilboorg

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Care Package

Tsahai knew last week was a hard one and so, she baked a big batch of cookies and sent them on over.  So kind!  And the cookies are really good.  It's the thought that counts, but it helps if the thought accompanies some really good cookies.  Thank you Tsahai!

Homemade cookies in a baker's box.

1 comment:

T said...

YAY!!! You are so welcome. I had grand plans of drawing some things and sending them along, but then I got tired after all the baking.

My neighbor sells her delectable baked goods at the Rockville Farmer's Market, and when I told her I was baking cookies for a friend, she insisted that I use the boxes. I'm glad you like the cookies and the boxes. I feel like I got a care package, too.